Basic goals and tasks of the organization

A)        The main objectives of the organization:

Protecting the country from the entry, establishment and distribution of quarantine pests and diseases by adopting appropriate measures and policies.


B)        Basic duties of the organization:

Determining the policies and guidelines of the Plant Protection Organization within the framework of the strategies and policies of the Ministry of Agriculture Jihad, planning, policy-making, directing and supervising pest prevention and control operations.

Planning to reduce pest damage to agricultural crops and their products.

Participation, cooperation and coordination with other relevant bodies in order to ensure and maintain the health of agricultural crops and plant products.

Planning and control of public and quarantine pests and participation in the fight against public pests.

Developing guidelines for controlling private pests within the framework of the general policies of the Plant Protection Organization and efforts to promote and monitor their proper implementation.

Reviewing and Examining of the position and importance of each of the agricultural, mechanical, physical, chemical and biological methods in the control of each of the important pests in the form of integrated management.

Studying, planning and development of methods and networks of care and forecasting in order to deal with and control pests more effectively and in a timely manner.

Studying and planning to control pests of farms, gardens, forests and pastures by developing non-chemical methods And the use of biological materials and the optimal use of chemical toxins in compliance with environmental principles and foundations.

Conducting plant pest control programs with scientific and balanced use of all recommended methods with integrated pest management approach. (I.P.M).

Studying, policy-making, planning and compilation of pesticide quality control indicators in order to record low-risk and specific pesticides-Removing high-risk and wide-ranging toxins from the list of authorized toxins in the country.

Close monitoring of import, production and formulation, distribution, sale and consumption and export of pesticides.

Continuous study and investigation in order to register new toxins and remove high-risk toxins from the list of authorized toxins in the country.

Annual publication of the list of authorized toxins in the country.

Continuous monitoring of quality control of authorized pesticides through laboratory and field methods.

Full control over the activities of factories producing technical toxins (Active substance of toxins), Pesticide formulation factories and authorized pesticide stores, medicinal plant laboratories and Plant pest control companies and institutions.

Quarantine pest risk analysis and assessment.

Active participation in the implementation of the provisions of the Biosafety Protocol within the framework of the duties of the Plant Protection Organization.

Effective monitoring and management to prevent the spread and entry of pests and plant products into the country and promoting appropriate measures to control them and regulate plans and programs to prevent the spread and transmission of pests.

Planning and coordination in joint and effective national, regional and international measures to prevent the spread and entry of plant pests and plant and garden products into pollution-free areas.

Developing and strengthening of plant quarantine posts and reference laboratories, especially at entry and exit points.

Supervising the production process of transgenic plants from cloning stage to greenhouse and field studies of the crop and necessary cooperation in studying and analyzing the possible dangers of these plants from the aspects of duties related to the organization.

Carrying out the necessary studies and investigations in order to detect quarantine harmful factors and determining the methods of controlling them in accordance with the latest scientific findings of the world and monitoring their proper implementation.

Studying, examining and collection of information related to the distribution of common plant pests and diseases in the country.

Participating in determining the distribution of pests, identifying and mapping areas free from infection with important and basic pests in different regions of the country.

Supervising the proper implementation of technical guidelines and international standards for plant health of agricultural products and plant products and plant reproductive parts.

Cooperation with specialized international organizations related to the tasks of the Plant Protection Organization and active participation in relevant international treaties and protocols such as (I.P.P.C)، (S.W.A.C)، (D.L.C.C)، (P.O.P.S) and The Rotterdam International Convention (P.I.C), the Vienna International Convention, the Montreal Protocol, etc.

Providing coordination of activities of plant protection and plant quarantine units located in the provinces within the framework of programs determined by the Jihad Agricultural Organization of the provinces.

Compilation and publication of books and educational pamphlets promoting methods of combating general and public pests.

Empowerment of operators and non-governmental organizations in the control of pests and plant diseases and weeds.

Implementing the resolutions of the Plant Protection Council.

Providing Secretariat of the Toxic Control Board and the management of the Pesticides Supervision Board as well as the implementation of its resolutions.
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